
Una piacevole scoperta: Biella!



Da grande viaggiatore esterofilo rimpiango sempre di non trascorrere abbastanza tempo in Italia conscio che invece, il nostro Bel Paese, di perle ne ha da vendere. Accolgo sempre con gioia quindi gli inviti degli enti del turismo a visitare zone a me sconosciute.

E’ il caso di Biella, città del nord-ovest del Piemonte, circa a un’ora di auto da Milano e Torino, dove ho trascorso l’ultimo weekend alla scoperta della sua natura, dei suoi monumenti ma soprattutto dei suoi birrifici.

Il segreto di Biella 

Se, come me, vi dirigete sulla Panoramica Zegna, una via fatta costruire proprio da Ermenegildo Zegna per collegare il suo stabilimento di Trivero con la Valle Cervo potrete ammirare paesaggi pazzeschi e sullo sfondo il Monte Rosa. Se vi fermate per esempio alla Bocchetta di Margosio potrete godere di una vista mozzafiato sulle valli sottostanti e nelle giornate terse scrutare addirittura il rifugio Margherita sul Monte Rosa. Mentre davo un’occhiata pensate che due caprioli hanno corso tra i boschi: una immagine davvero emozionante.

L'acqua più leggera d'Europa

Biella e il suo territorio hanno però un segreto che va oltre la bellezza del suo paesaggio ma sta alla base di tutti i suoi più rinomati prodotti: l’acqua.

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Fotografare l’aurora boreale: i miei consigli

northern ligths


Quando si organizza un viaggio verso il Nord, che sia l’Islanda o l’Alaska, lo si fa principalmente per vedere l’aurora boreale. E per fotografarla al meglio. Tuttavia, catturare immagini splendide non è semplice (a meno che non si è dei fotografi professionisti): le variabili da considerare sono numerose, e bisogna saper impostare la propria macchina fotografica per ottenere foto nitide da pubblicare poi sui social o da mostrare ai propri amici.

Ecco dunque qualche semplice consiglio per fotografare l’aurora boreale, anche se si è alla prima esperienza con questo straordinario fenomeno naturale.

Fotografare l’aurora boreale, dove e quando

La prima regola per fotografare l’aurora boreale è… vedere l’aurora boreale! Tre sono gli elementi imprescindibili per catturarla: il buio, un cielo senza nuvole e l’attività geomagnetica. A livello geografico, le destinazioni migliori sono l’Islanda, laFinlandia, la Norvegia, l’ Alaska e il Canada settentrionale. Il periodo perfetto, invece, è tra settembre e marzo.

Il cielo ideale è scuro, un risultato che s’ottiene lontano dalle fonti luminose artificiali (ma spesso anche una luna piena particolarmente luminosa può creare qualche problema). Se dovessero esserci delle nuvole, non disperare: è possibile che l’aurora compaia tra i loro squarci, e che sembri così ancor più suggestiva.

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Questo è il viaggio completo per poter godere appieno della bellezza e magia dell'Islanda, coniugando i luoghi più conosciuti e fotografati con quelli invece più nascosti ed esclusivi!

L'Islanda è una terra mitica. Il mix di leggende e natura selvaggia rendono questo posto quasi surreale. Percorreremo tutta la leggendaria Ring Road (Hringvegur) a bordo dei nostri van, dormiremo in cottage e guest house lungo la strada, visiteremo posti al di fuori di ogni immaginazione e ci riempiriemo gli occhi e il cuore di Islanda! Ghiacciai, gayser, spiagge nere, acque termali, balene, sono solo la punta dell'iceberg di quello che faremo. Il vero viaggio non sarà essere in Islanda ma vivere l'Islanda e noi la vivremo per davvero.

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4 Travel Books That Will Inspire You to See the World



Seeing the world is an experience that we shouldn’t take for granted. For one, it can help us expand our knowledge about other cultures and traditions. In addition, Psychregnotes that traveling can help improve our mental health by encouraging us to be spontaneous, boosting our self-confidence, and lowering our stress levels.

To inspire you to go see the world, we’ve listed below four travel books that will give you a serious case of wanderlust.

Land of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road

In this book, Kate Harris masterfully narrates how she spent a year cycling the Silk Road. Aside from offering stories of Kate’s travels in some of the most remote places on earth, Land of Lost Borders also invites the reader to seek the answers to existential questions such as “Where do you go when every place on earth has been explored by people before you?” This book can help you understand why it’s important for you to explore the world, even if millions before you have already gone on a similar conquest.

The Art of Travel ⁠

Alain de Botton’s The Art of Travel will take you on a philosophical journey to discovering the purpose behind traveling. Here, Alain shares his experience on the road as he enjoys Barbados with his partner and explores Provence through Van Gogh’s eyes ⁠— all while inspecting how great thinkers, artists, and writers saw the world through centuries of traveling. Despite writing from a philosopher’s perspective, Alain is still able to keep his words of wisdom and insights accessible for the regular reader.

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Le 10 migliori app in viaggio

travel app


Gli smartphone mettono un intero mondo di informazioni a portata di mano.

Quando si tratta di pianificare e fare una vacanza, ad esempio, le app di viaggio non sono solo fonte di ispirazione, ma sono anche estremamente utili. Le si usa per la prenotazione e la gestione della logistica, persino per effettuare prenotazioni nei ristoranti o per trovare una lezione di fitness in qualsiasi parte del mondo in cui si sta volando.

Ci sono un sacco di app, capaci davvero di aiutarti con qualsiasi cosa: prenotazioni degli hotel, cambi di volo dell'ultimo minuto, guide, dizionari di lingue straniere, navigatore coi punti d’interesse per chi ama esplorare le città a piedi, conversioni di valuta, trucchi per preparare la valigia.

Ecco dunque una selezione delle migliori app di viaggio.

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zaino in spalla

Ci sono alcuni comportamenti scorretti e nocivi che il viaggiatore e il turista spesso compiono ingenuamente, credendo al contrario di fare un gesto caritatevole o di gentilezza. Parlo di cose che anch’io per un po’ nella mia vita non percepivo come sbagliate, ma quando me ne sono reso conto perché spiegatemi da altri o perché auto-illuminatomi non sono più tornato indietro nemmeno mezza volta, anzi ho poi sempre cercato di aprire gli occhi anche agli altri. È un argomento piuttosto spinoso che in realtà non vale solo in viaggio, ma anche a casa.

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Cibo locale e street food

Durante un qualsiasi viaggio al di fuori dei confini italiani, che sia lungo settimane, mesi o anni, stai certo che il cibo italiano ti mancherà terribilmente e ti mancherà anche la più semplice delle pizze margherite infornata come si deve. A qualsiasi livello sia giunta la tua crisi d’astinenza ricordati di seguire questi miei consigli: evita i ristoranti italiani, evita i ristoranti turistici, ancor di più evita i ristoranti italiani per turisti!

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Wanna Go - l'Africa in bicicletta con Filippo Graglia

sud africa

Continua la nuova stagione di Tuk Tuk, il podcast che ti porta in giro per il mondo a scoprire le storie più assurde e originali, oltre che un vero e proprio viaggio tra i colori, i profumi e le leggende di quelle terre. Il podcast è nato durante il primo lockdown come idea di viaggio mentale, attraverso le parole dei protagonisti. Ogni episodio trattava di un particolare Paese e di una storia legata a chi veniva intervistato. Questa nuova stagione si chiama "WANNA GO" e tratta di tutti quei luoghi dove non sono mai stato ma che un giorno vorrei visitare. Mi metto per una volta nei panni dell'ascoltatore che, con sincera curiosità si affaccia per la prima volta fantasticando di mete lontane.

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Facciamo dei trekking in giro per l'Italia?

trekking in Italia

Il blocco dei viaggi a causa della pandemia non sembra arrestarsi e così la cosa migliore è dedicarsi al proprio Paese e dato che ci ritroviamo in Italia non è per niente male! Mi sono chiesto più di una volta se valesse la pena organizzare in Italia dei viaggi come quelli che organizzo insieme a SiVola.it in giro per il mondo e la risposta è stata affermativa, ma con i dovuti accorgimenti!

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Anno sabbatico, come funziona e come richiederlo

anno sabbatico

Gli inglesi lo chiamano “gap year”, per noi è l’anno sabbatico. Ma non va confuso con una vacanza.

Diffuso in Inghilterra, visto in Italia con (ancora) troppa diffidenza, l’anno sabbatico è un anno “libero”. Un anno in cui ci si allontana dalla quotidianità, dal lavoro, dagli studi. Lo si fa per viaggiare, per disegnare sogni. Per immaginarsi il futuro, e per imparare la vita. Talvolta dietro casa, talvolta dopo l’oceano.

Ma come si chiede un anno sabbatico e come lo si sfrutta al meglio? Scopriamolo insieme.

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Gli insegnamenti di un viaggio sono per sempre

il viaggio è  per sempre

Quest’anno abbiamo viaggiato tutti sullo stesso volo. Un volo diverso, pieno di turbolenze.

La tappa in cui quest’anno tutti siamo arrivati è stata una fermata obbligatoria, un capolinea.

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How to save money when traveling to Australia

How to save money when traveling to Australia

Australia is absolutely one of the most expensive countries in the world. The economy is strongly developing, and so its prices are constantly rising. For instance, sleeping in a hostel in the big cities in a dormitory for ten people costs on average $28 per night.

How to do it then? Here are several tips, that I’ve learned myself, to save as much as possible in one of the most beautiful lands of the world.

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5 things to keep in mind when choosing your backpack

5 things to keep in mind when choosing your backpack

In this strange and particular historical moment, we just have to travel only with the mind or start preparing for when this terrible situation will finally be over and finally the borders will be reopened. So I would start from the basics and in this article I would like to tell you something more about the choice of the backpack because it is anything but trivial since there are so many backpacks and types on the market.

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How to approach Torres del Paine trek - The longest way

some tips for Torres del Paine trek

The emotions that the Torres del Paine trek gave me are difficult to explain. However, I tried to tell you through the story of a night, the one between the fifth and sixth day (read the post here).Now, since it is one of the most famous treks in the world, I try with this article to tell you about my experience in a sort of diary, hoping to be of help to those who want to try their hand at the big Q circuit, but not only.

The available circuits:There are three of them, the most famous, popular, and affordable is the W circuit, which is the one in the southern part of the park that includes the best highlights. I tell you about it in the diary of days 1/2/3Recommended duration: 3 nights / 4 daysDifficulty: medium

The great circuit O, which includes the entire natural park, obviously including the W.Difficulty: medium-highDuration: minimum 6 nights / 7 days

Circuit Q, or the most extensive, or the "mochillero" because it avoids any paid means and is, therefore, the cheapest. Consider half a day more than the O circuit.Medium / high difficultyMinimum 6 nights / 7 daysRecommended 8 nights / 9 days

When to go: the best period is from October to April and above all, it is the only period in which you can have the choice on the circuit to go. In fact, from the 15th of April, the Q and the O are not passable except with an authorized guide.

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Life is not the party we had imagined, but since we are here let's dance

solo traveler in chiapas mexico

And it happens that when one seeks perhaps he has no time to find.And it happens that suddenly Chiapas arrives.A proud region of mainland Mexico. A Zapatista region that until a few years ago claimed independence under the orders of the sub commander Marcos. A sub commander who commanded.Yes, because the people could remove it at the first mistake. The people were in charge. Ideologies that have had easy ground in Latin America, yet still latent under corrupt and usurpable governments.

Not infrequently riots still happen in this area as the day I decided to leave San Cristobal de Las Casas for Palenque and the peasants in revolt blocked the road.And so another day in this navel of the world.Yes, because San Cristobal is just that. A village that has literally bewitched me. Its music, its colors, its people, it's Buena Vibra. A country like many others, we have thousands of them in Italy. The problem is that young people no longer populate them.Wonderful countries with history and traditions lived only during the holidays a few months a year.San Cristobal is the same: only it is populated by young and old, coming from all over the world, every day of the year. From every angle.Each with its own story, each with its own vibration.Among the streets of the café, a center is a meeting place for poets and rioters, musicians and writers. A small stage and anyone can go up. To recite, to sing, to declaim, or to have his say.Jazz, rock, and electronic evenings.Live music concerts in the middle of the night inside a bakery.The energy of this place is simply crazy and exudes in its pastel-colored houses in the center of a lush valley.Tourism is present here, massive, but for the first time non-invasive, it seems respectful of the local culture like a shy spectator who limits himself to the final applause after an opera.All around nature is overwhelming as a force: canyons, woods, lakes, and waterfalls.History and culture, like the village of San Juan de Chamula where ancient Mayan rites are practiced inside its Christian church based on a religious syncretism that I had never been able to experience in my world tour. Indigenous groups that allow visits, but not photography, the latter steals the soul. Candles and pine needles on the ground instead of benches. Many saints lined up one after the other with a mirror in their hands. The Christ who is placed to the right of John the Baptist, much more important here under his benevolence towards the water, the true treasure of this area.The locals still dress traditionally, the men with hats, the women with a black fur skirt. Sitting on the ground they sing songs interspersed with burps to throw out all negative energies.I look into a corner, a shaman rotates a rooster on the candles before twisting its neck and sacrificing it.I am fascinated by these rituals and how people get involved in them. I do not understand why, on the other hand, they are rituals that appear meaningless, but living them live, being able to observe their participation, hits me hard in the soul.I thought I would stop only a few days instead of those afternoons, in which the clouds turned black and then poured rain to make the streets full rivers, before opening up to the setting sun, became different and I could no longer leave.When I did I headed to Palenque, not far away, in the jungle, to discover Mayan ruins of breathtaking beauty. The jungle, like Angkor Wat, has allowed the conservation of this site to this day.Real jungle with howler monkeys that in the middle of the night make it seem like a jaguar behind the hut.The Mexico I was looking for in the end I found, basically, in the south, on the border with Guatemala. A place I would like to return to one day.In Chiapas, a region I had time to find just when I stopped looking.

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In a world tour that touched 44 countries in 1,000 days and, of course, all 5 continents, what perhaps, in the beginning, could give me the greatest concern regarding diabetes could be the African continent.

The last, in chronological order, among those visited. I imagined finding practical and logistical difficulties as well as obviously difficult hygienic conditions and risks due to possible thefts.


Instead, like every place in the world, it has reserved surprises for me that have undermined all my hypocrisy and preconceptions.

Since the arrival in Dakar, Senegal, every possible problem related to the storage of insulin has been disappearing. Until you venture into particularly remote regions there is no shortage of refrigerators where you can store your supplies and no one has ever denied me help in this regard.

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Of all the continents I visited during my trip around the world without airplanes, Asia is undoubtedly the one that best lends itself to the management of diabetes by the traveler.

As always happens, in fact, when traveling, the variable linked to food is always the greatest discriminating factor as well as the most difficult to manage.

In Asia, bread, pasta, and extra virgin olive oil disappear, foods that should be dosed with great care at home to avoid glycemic imbalances. Already in the first few days, you have the first positive effects and this is the good news, but .. there are bad surprises! First of all, the omnipresent rice that with its starch, if not carefully controlled, creates many problems. Besides, all drinks, especially the typical and not packaged ones, are loaded with sugar. The practice of sweetening is practically non-existent and every time you order a drink you must remind the waiter not to add it, however, communication in this corner of the world is often difficult.

Fruits and vegetables, especially in the southern area near the Tropic of Cancer, are tasty and fiber-rich foods that help a healthy and proper diet.

Asian cuisine prefers fast or steamed cooking, as well as rich and tasty soups. It is a different tradition from state to state and completely different from our Italian one.

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Latin America was one of the most significant experiences of my travel around the world in 1,000 days without aircraft. Already crossing the customs between San Diego and Tijuana you began to breathe a new, different, crisp air.

Central America first and then South America welcomed me as if I were one of the family, with care and joy. Music in the streets at any time of day and night, street artists, dancers, village festivals, markets so rich in color, folklore, and traditions. And then that strong nature that manifests itself bursting into the Andean chain or in the woods of Patagonia, or even in the Amazon rainforest. The Oceans and those wonderful coasts in Nicaragua or those of the Pacific in Brazil. In this corner of the world, I spent fifteen months, learning the language, many customs, and gestures. Like Argentine mate, that infusion of pampas herbs that are drunk with a metal straw from containers made from pumpkins. Even at home, I often allow myself this moment, almost for myself.

I worked in those lands: I was a videomaker, cook, farmer, bricklayer, receptionist. I lived for about two months in a tent in the deep south of the world, often eating the fish I caught in the lake or stream in front of me.

I hitchhiked the entire Carretera Austral and broke my back on the Guatemala chicken buses.

The Perito Moreno, Machu Picchu, the ruins of Tikal, the Ciudad Perdida, the Quilotoa lagoon, the Acatenango volcano, the Chapada Diamantina are just some of the places that still tickle my imagination every time I think about it.

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sometimes it is better to get lost on the road of an impossible journey than to never leave

I couldn't find a boat from Andaman to Thailand

The courage was also that. It was the awareness that failure was a fruit of trying. Sometimes it’s better to get lost on the way to an impossible trip than never leave.

Sometimes you need to go back on your steps. No, I’m not thinking to go back home. Sometimes choices weigh on your life and experiences. No, I’m not repented of my April choice. Sometimes Life gives us second chances. Not finding the boat in the Andaman Islands to get to Thailand upset my plans and made me doubt my certainties gathered in these few months. I think a sort of Karma exists that helps you during hard times and allow you to do apparently impossible things, only because you are on the right path. You feel it, it’s illogical but you feel it. It was like that till a few weeks ago. Seriously, no hard or critical moments, a beautiful smile on my face every day, the budget was going to align with my expectations. Suddenly something goes wrong, certainties fall down and you need to do a bit of soul searching. More than once, when I was in Neverland, I thought to take a plane and continue my itinerary. I didn’t give up. When I decided to keep going I came to terms with myself accepting the failure of my first intent. I didn’t know what life and the trip were going to present to me going back to my steps. First of all, I could admire Varanasi with a low tide, and that show, while walking on the ghats, make me clear I had to come back for some reason. I had already appreciated the magic air and its positive vibrations, but in this season it’s even more, it’s a source of pure emotions. Chop chop I crossed the India/Nepal border with less than 40 cents in my pocket. I arrive at the sunset and cold air is waiting for me. I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt but there are only 5 degrees.

So now I’m writing to you from Nepal, from Kathmandu, where I spent some of the most extraordinary moments of my trip. I have no new places to visit but moments and experiences are waiting to be lived with more awareness. I have to stay here for twenty days, waiting for a China visa. I will go back to Tibet and I’ll go to Yunnan, one of the most beautiful regions of China, I will get into Laos and I should be able to be in Bangkok for Christmas, finally in the land of smiles. Everything is in place now, renouncing to discover new places with a month of travel. Not too bad, I moved back to Kathmandu valley in the orphanage: children here are helped by Human Traction. Just one minute with them pays me back for all the troubles of the last days. Having three weeks to spend with them is a gift, not a nuisance on the itinerary. They gave me back the dreamy smile I had last summer and the will of tasting life for what it is, even though there are variables along the way. We built the soccer field and seeing their smile is the best gift of this journey. I was there when we pitched the goalposts. I had to be there, I had to share that moment with them. Seeing them playing and running after a ball without fighting or arguing, only with a desire for enjoyment, has been awesome. My childhood remembrance came up to my mind, as playing with a ball was the best thing ever. I can remember fighting too, arguing and fake friendships for a ball, it’s the mirror of our society in our children. Sly people prevail over others. Bullying starts there when you are teased because you are bench or because you are inadequate. Here it’s different, they try to involve everyone, and when the opposing makes a goal they make unanimous applause. I won’t ever stop repeating how much humanity I found among people and children who have nothing. That smile is always there, and now much more with a soccer field. During the first days at the village, I could have time to think about my next steps. I have a cargo waiting for me in Adelaide on the 29th of March. I cross two tropics, the equator and the imaginary line of the changing time. In 28 days I’ll be thrown in Vancouver, Canada. That day I’ll be getting closer to home and I’ll be putting to sea from one the further place from Italy. No flights. Yeah, so how may I get to Australia without flights? This was my second biggest variable. From India to Thailand I had a B plan, from Indonesia or Timor Est no B plan exists: I should have found a boat to the land of kangaroo, or I should have taken a plane. These Nepalese days allowed me to deepen this passage realizing that sea currents were hostile and I was running out of time. Finding a boat around January or February seemed improbable. Solutions could be two: finding a mercantile from Asia or risking in Indonesia with a high percentage of failure. I looked on the internet, sending hundreds of emails to contacts, agencies, naval companies, skippers, yacht club and every day was worse. There are no boats, it’s the wrong time of the year and mercantile aren’t available for people. Suddenly I got an email though, during the cold dawn of a few days ago. There’s an available cargo from Hong Kong to Australia on the 20th of February. It’s expensive but I have no choice. I have to skip Indonesia, but I have no choice. I sadly agree but it was a very lucky chance because a passenger had just canceled the reservation. I muse the same night. I realize I made it. Now it’s on me. I found the way to get to Australia without flights and this means the accomplishment of one big step. I already have a transpacific cargo and this is known to be difficult by someone who is thinking to do a trip like mine. Most of the journeys around the world without flights don’t rule in Australia. I wanted and craved to go back to that land which had given to me the spirit to take the most important decisions during the latest months. I knew Australia wouldn’t have cheated on me and I would have arrived there. Now, everything is downhill because the transatlantic boat is easier to organize and I have no more bureaucratic obstacles. Now I know dreams can come true. Now I know I will be able to accomplish a really harsh adventure. Now I know life doesn’t give only emotions but forced break moments too needed to reflect and go back to the game.Now it’s just me.


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When your legs are tired, walk with your heart.


It was now time to turn north, starting the ascent towards Morocco and Europe. From Pais Bassari I moved to the center of Senegal to visit its sacred city of Touba.
A gigantic mosque stands in the center of the city. I decided to visit it at sunset to be able to enjoy the best lights.
Finally, a beautiful example of Islamic architecture is characterized mainly by the symmetries and the play of angles of the minarets.

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Informiamo inoltre che l’utente può configurare, liberamente ed in qualsiasi momento, i suoi parametri di privacy in relazione all’installazione ed uso di cookies, direttamente attraverso il suo programma di navigazione (browser) seguendo le relative istruzioni.
In particolare l’utente può impostare la così detta “navigazione privata”, grazie alla quale il suo programma di navigazione interrompe il salvataggio dello storico dei siti visitati, delle eventuali password inserite, dei cookies e delle altre informazioni sulle pagine visitate.
Avvertiamo che nel caso in cui l’utente decida di disattivare tutti i cookies (anche quelli di natura tecnica), la qualità e la rapidità dei servizi offerti dal presente sito web potrebbero peggiorare drasticamente e si potrebbe perdere l’accesso ad alcune sezioni del sito stesso.

Indicazioni pratiche rivolte all’utente per la corretta impostazione del browser
Per bloccare o limitare l’utilizzo dei cookies, sia da parte del presente sito che da parte di altri siti web, direttamente tramite il proprio browser, si possono seguire le semplici istruzioni sotto riportate e riferite ai browser di più comune utilizzo.

Google Chrome: cliccare sull’icona denominata “Personalizza e controlla Google Chrome” posizionata in alto a destra, quindi selezionare la voce di menù denominata “Impostazioni”. Nella maschera che si apre, selezionare la voce di menù denominata “Mostra impostazioni avanzate” e quindi alla voce di menù denominata “Privacy” cliccare sul pulsante “Impostazioni contenuti” ove è possibile impostare il blocco di tutti o parte dei cookies.

Microsoft Internet Explorer: cliccare sull’icona denominata “Strumenti” posizionata in alto a destra, quindi selezionare la voce di menù denominata “Opzioni internet”. Nella maschera che si apre, selezionare la voce di menù denominata “Privacy” ove è possibile impostare il blocco di tutti o parte dei cookies.

Mozilla Firefox: dal menu a tendina posizionato in alto a sinistra selezionare la voce di menù denominata “Opzioni”. Nella maschera che si apre, selezionare la voce di menù “Privacy”, ove è possibile impostare il blocco di tutti o parte dei cookies.