6 minutes reading time (1211 words)

5 things to keep in mind when choosing your backpack

5 things to keep in mind when choosing your backpack

In this strange and particular historical moment, we just have to travel only with the mind or start preparing for when this terrible situation will finally be over and finally the borders will be reopened. So I would start from the basics and in this article I would like to tell you something more about the choice of the backpack because it is anything but trivial since there are so many backpacks and types on the market.

The first thing to keep in mind regardless of the capacity of the backpack is that you will have to carry the latter on your shoulders so please, do not cram it too hard because then the shoulders themselves will ask for the bill! The ideal is that a 65/70 liter backpack does not weigh more than 14 kilograms. On my trip around the world, I had a backpack with a capacity of 70 liters + 10 liters of side pockets. Also, consider that I had to carry a lot of insulin and a lot of material to manage diabetes, but at full capacity, it came to weigh 17 kilograms for three years of non-stop travel. In my travels with members, which you can find in the group travel section on the website www.sivola.it, I usually use one of 40, maximum 50 liters.



The backpack is not the accessory on which to save at all costs, indeed it must be resistant and above all that its zippers and the fastening of the shoulder straps must be: there is nothing worse than their breaking which, for Murphy's laws, it will obviously happen in the rain when you are racing to catch the last available bus to get to the nearest town. So, no backpacks made in china please ... below I point out the 5 key features!

In my opinion, at least one front zip opening is essential, so you don't have to take out everything when you need to find what can be useful.
At least two other separate spaces essential for storing dirty clothing and shoes. The more pockets and compartments, the better!
The backrest must be adjustable as loading that weight incorrectly can create painful damage to the back: always check that it has the possibility to hang carabiners, useful for a water bottle, solar panel, or camera.
Large enough nozzles: always check that the zips have nozzles large enough to pass a padlock, they will dissuade those who want to open it even if, of course, they will not completely protect you from theft. The alternative, very convenient, if you travel by plane, is to buy a backpack bag and close it directly with a padlock.
The waterproof blanket: nowadays almost all the backpacks on the market have a waterproof blanket, often particularly hidden, therefore not easily identifiable: ask a sales assistant which models have it and don't buy one without one! It is an extremely important accessory to prevent what you carry from getting wet: do not underestimate the power of certain rains, for example, in Costa Rica, I have irreparably damaged a reflex camera. If you already have a backpack and it doesn't have one, you can make it yourself with black garbage bags, the most important thing is to remember to take them with you!


Have you bought your backpack, have you laid out everything you need on the bed, and can't fit everything into it? First of all, it means that you have not respected some indications bringing with you more than strictly necessary ... But I'm here on purpose to give you suggestions!

Once you have eliminated the superfluous, you can adopt two strategies:

Roll up the garments instead of folding them, don't worry if they crease, so if this is your utmost concern, you'd better head to a nice all-inclusive holiday village or a cruise, rather than start a road trip.
The second strategy, on the other hand, is more effective because it allows you to keep clothes always dry and to divide the dirty ones without imposing the others clean, moreover it is the one that allows you to take up as little space as possible. These are handy bags that you can find in many DIY stores that have the ability to vacuum-pack your clothes WITHOUT a vacuum cleaner. In practice, they have a pressure zip at the top and narrow holes at the bottom. Once closed you will have to roll up the top, that of the zip, and you will see that they will swell. Continue rolling until you start to feel the air coming out of the holes on the bottom. You'll be amazed at how much less space your clothes take up! Attention, despite the compression, the weight will not change so do not abuse this opportunity, even if it guarantees more space. I usually travel with four small bags in which I divide the clothing for usefulness: in one all the t-shirts, in another the pants, then the swimsuits and cargo shorts and in the last one the sweatshirts. Finally, remember to put your socks and underwear in your shoes, you will save a lot of space.
What you will have to keep in mind instead is that you will have to know all the dislocations of the backpack by heart. You can't afford to open it up and take everything out to find a flashlight. Have everything you need close at hand, especially everyday items or the most useful ones.



Above I have shown you the essentials necessary for a comfortable journey, focusing on clothing, but don't forget to leave space for other useful items, if not even more necessary:

1 rope of at least 5 meters (the rope has multiple uses: it fixes the backpack on the roof of a bus or car, acts as a clothesline, can cope with various emergencies);
1 headlamp (and maybe even a small one for camping or to hold in your hand, because with your cell phone you won't go anywhere except just to the bathroom);
1 Swiss pocket knife (remember that you will not be able to load it in your hand luggage if you take the plane ... leave it in the hold luggage. Do not go crazy looking for the one with the most functions, all you need is a small but sharp blade, possibly with safety, a screwdriver, a can opener, tweezers, and a spiral bottle opener);
Marseille soap to wash clothes and even your body;
1 or 2 small but strong padlocks;
1 sunscreen;
1 pair of sunglasses;
mosquito repellent;
1 sheet sack of silk or imitation silk (if you happen to have to sleep in smelly and dirty taverns it will prevent you from putting your body in direct contact with those filthy sheets, it is also a good thermal insulator so it will help you feel the cold less);
1 emergency blanket (the golden ones on one side and aluminum on the other - they hardly take up space and can be really comfortable!);
earplugs (the very soft ones, in polyurethane foam, are the best because they can be molded);
1 aluminum bottle;
1 universal adapter;
1 small kit of needle and thread;
1 solar-powered charger or power bank;
Your lucky charm;
1 roll of toilet paper (do I really need to explain why?)😂

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