4 minutes reading time (717 words)

How to survey on travel ;)

first aid kit

One of the things that most of all still keeps many people away from going on an adventure, traveling alone, or simply traveling is precisely the theme of health once you are away from home. The first tip, essential, is to always and in any case seek a doctor's consultation: in a 2.0 world where now too many are self-diagnosing and treating themselves with Google, I can only warn you about this topic and tell you to speak only. and exclusively with those who are competent in the matter.


Remember that diseases are not the only pitfall when traveling, but many physical ailments can occur and ruin our plans: I'm talking about diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, lowering of blood pressure. These problems arise mainly from different diets, from unfiltered water, and also from physical stress, most of all the time zone.

Always hydrate yourself a lot, never miss bottled water, and fruit are the simplest and at the same time most important tips to follow. During the first days on the other side of the world, keep your stomach light and even if you can't wait to hit the street food stalls, take it easy! Try as much as possible to slowly get used to the new local foods.
A doctor in the past advised me to drink lots of carbonated water with lime or lemon in it: it seems that carbon dioxide combined with citric acid prevents the very first intestinal disorders. I personally also eat a lot of chili pepper which has a disinfectant action in it but don't overdo it, otherwise, you might have heartburn and heartburn too ... even down there when you go to the bathroom, come on you understand!
Try to do a lot of physical activity and not to overdo it with various fried foods and desserts: you are on vacation or traveling not at the food and wine festival. Especially if you are on a long trip, preserving the physique is the first critical success factor.
To combat the time zone you can use different remedies such as taking melatonin, but I prefer instead to strive to follow the times of the place immediately;
Do you suffer from transport nausea? This is probably the most annoying disturbance on the road, especially if, like me, you love traveling on the broken South American or Nepalese buses! Try special tablets or chewing gum but the most effective remedy seems to be bracelets that press a nerve point on the wrist;
NEVER underestimate constipation, intestinal blockage is something potentially very dangerous;
As for some diseases that can be transmitted with a mosquito bite, such as dengue and malaria, act in a preventive manner by using long-sleeved shirts and tropical repellents. It is useless to leave Italy loaded with various anti-mosquitoes because in those places they are often totally ineffective due to the low content of the diet, a poison that cannot exceed 20% in Italy. My suggestion is to buy them locally.



To deal with these non-fatal disorders, but potentially very disabling and threatening for the success of the trip, and for other events, it is possible to create your own personal pharmacy kit, which obviously must be as essential as possible. Remember that pharmacies and many drugs exist all over the world! In my travels, in fact, I have seen absolutely everything, from the traveler who leaves with half a backpack full of medicines to those who travel without anything. As always, I believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle and above all, I believe that you should have with you only what can give immediate relief, because then in case of discomfort it is always better to contact local pharmacies: often medicines are also much cheaper than in Europe and also, especially in Asia and South America, they are sold not in packs but blisters, therefore the quantity that is really needed. In the backpack, remove the boxes: they are useless and take up space, but don't forget the information leaflet useful for remembering contraindications and posologies.

Here is my pharmacy kit: I never miss these medicines:

  • antidiarrhea;
  • anti-nausea;
  • paracetamol;
  • antihistamine;
  • probiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • cortisone in pills;
  • patches of various sizes;
  • gauze;
  • disinfectant wipes;
  • mineral salts and supplements;
  • tiger balm;
  • patches equivalent to stitches (especially for extreme trekking adventures).
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